Water & Sewer Infrastructure Advisory Committee


The Town of Swampscott Water and Sewer Infrastructure Advisory Committee will advise the Select Board on matters affecting Swampscott’s water resource systems, including drinking water, wastewater, storm water, and ground water (including underdrains). The Committee will develop reliable subject matter expertise related to Swampscott’s water resource systems and work with the Director of Public Works and engineering consultants to develop and recommend to the Select Board comprehensive plans, policies, and procedures necessary to ensure Swampscott’s water resources comply with all state and federal standards, including Stormwater Outfall (MS4) Permit requirements and the Clean Water Act pursuant to the 2015 Consent Decree.


  1. Review the Asset Management report and CIP (Kleinfelder report) and be prepared to weigh in and comment on the scheduling of priorities and recommendations for the Select Board (SB) and Town Administrator (TA).
  2. Work with Swampscott Director of Public Works (DPW) and Town consultants to research and understand historical sewer, stormwater, and underdrain repairs and rehab efforts to date as well as current and potential causes of illicit discharge.
  3. Review all IDDE, investigation, and remediation plans for Stacey’s Brook and the Areas Beyond Stacey’s Brook (ABSB) presented by the Town’s consultants and Director of Public Works. Make recommendations for plans, timelines, and funding.
  4. Engage with DPW, consulting engineers, DEP, and EPA to monitor, review, and report on plans and construction progress toward goals. Research and recommend best practices in the field of water resource management.
  5. Evaluate costs to bring wastewater, ground water, and storm water systems into compliance and recommend funding solutions.
  6. Engage with neighboring communities to discover opportunities that will benefit from regionalization and/or aggregated efforts between localities.
  7. Monitor and report on any new or proposed state and federal policies which could affect the Town’s water resources management.
  8. Coordinate with the Town’s Climate Action Plan Committee, Harbor and Waterfront Advisory Committee, Open Space and Recreation Plan Committee, and other Committees or Boards as necessary to identify opportunities for collaboration, especially with respect to Climate Resiliency and the effects ofclimate change on water resource systems.
  9. Establish community outreach and education for all matters relating to storm water management and other related issues. This includes the creation and maintenance of a social media presence and a Town website/webpage that offers educational resources.
  10. Sewer Specific Goals
    1. Review Infiltration and Inflow (I/I) historical and current rates.
    2. Complete a townwide Infiltration and Inflow Study and use the results to prioritize sewer activities for next 5 years.
    3. Develop roadmap for follow on investigations (Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study).
    4. Refine a CIP to eliminate infiltration and inflow; renew the aging system; and eliminate sources of sewage from the drainage system.
    5. Study the issue around private sewer laterals / develop a policy or program that citizens can utilize to inspect and repair their laterals / discuss how to fund.
  11. Drain Specific Goals
    1. Recommend an annual operating budget to (a) comply with annual NPDES stormwater permit requirements, and (b) assess condition of drainage system.
    2. Develop a roadmap for investigations into the drainage system.
    3. Ongoing training of DPW staff to self-perform outfall inspections and increase frequency of sampling at beach outfalls.
    4. Explore institution of a stormwater enterprise fund to create a dedicated revenue source to fund activities.
    5. Advance understanding of vulnerability/exposure to climate change related flooding.
    6. Evaluate Greenscapes and other opportunities for stormwater reduction.
    7. Develop a comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan.