COVID-19 Halloween Safety Tips

Whether or not you and your family participate in Halloween activities is a personal choice, but in the case that you do, we'd like to offer some guidance on how you can do so safely. For other guidance on Halloween Safety, visit the Center for Disease Control page on Halloween or read state guidance on the Massachusetts Department of Public Health page


  • Stay home if you are sick or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19
  • Go trick-or-treating with your child to make sure they do it safely
  • Keep your groups as small as possible
  • Wear a mask (not just a Hallween costume mask, that may not be safe from COVID-19 particles!)
  • Carry hand sanitizer to use between each house
  • Stay 6-feet apart from others


  • Do not give out candy if you are sick or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19
  • Put out individually wrapped goodie bags or candy spaced out on a baking sheet
  • Do not leave out candy in a bowl
  • Keep candy 6-feet from your door
  • Do not have children come to your door or hand candy from a bowl
  • Wear a mask


  • Carve or decorate a pumpkin
  • Decorate your house and yard
  • Have virtual costume contest
  • Plan a Halloween scavenger hunt
  • Avoid holding parties or gatherings inside