Hadley Elementary School Reuse Advisory Committee

Commercial Sub-Group
Event Date: 
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 - 6:00pm


Virtual Meeting
United States

Access to the meeting can be obtained by the following means. Please note that if accessing the meeting online or on the smartphone app, you will be muted upon entering the meeting but can be unmuted to speak by using the “raise your hand” feature in the application.


·         Go to https://swampscottma.zoom.us/j/99773735394

·         You will need to download Zoom software to access this meeting and computer speakers in order to hear it

By Phone

·         Call (929) 205-6099

·         Enter webinar ID: 997 7373 5394

Using the Zoom smartphone application:

·         Enter webinar ID: 997 7373 5394