Current Filings

Provided below are a list of the current petition filings that have been received by the Town, and are either currently under review or are awaiting review by the Conservation Commission. You may click on the petition number and address to view the application and files submitted.

Request for Determination of Applicability: 207 Forest Ave by the Swampscott Little League. Seeking a negative determination as to whether the construction of a storage shed is subject to the provisions of the Wetlands Protection Act. 
Status: Item to be opened by Conservation Commission on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.
Notice of Intent: 33 Puritan Rd by Susan and Michael Sinrich. Seeking an Order of Conditions for work regarding a proposed addition to the existing structure. 
Status: Item to be opened by Conservation Commission on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.


All other past petitions and filings can be viewed in our archive, linked here. All materials can be found in the folder of their corresponding address, ordered alphabetically by street name and number.