Upcoming Meeting for Community Conservation Stewardship

The next meeting of the Friends of Swampscott Conservation Land will be held on March 15, 2018, from 7 - 8:30 pm in dining room at the Senior Center (located behind the Swampscott High School at 200 Essex Street).

The mission of this organization is to act as stewards for Swampscott’s existing conservation land which includes Harold King Forest, Ewing Woods, Palmer and Muskrat Ponds, Linscott Park, and the Blythswood Easement (off Little's Point Road). While not created by the Town, this volunteer stewardship organization would work in partnership with the Town and collaborate with the Swampscott Conservation Commission, Open Space & Recreation Plan Committee, and Department of Public Works to ensure the protection of Swampscott’s conservation land.

At this month's meeting, we will continue to discuss how the organization will be set up and operate as well as short-term and long-term goals for increasing awareness of the town’s conservation land among residents, improving access to such properties, and acquiring new properties.

For additional information, you can email Toni Bandrowicz.