Atlantic Ave Water Main Project

Construction on Atlantic Ave is underway to improve the service and reliability of the municipal water distribution systems. The project will involve lining and installation of new water mains, fire hydrants, and valves by N. Granese & Sons Construction.

The project is anticipated to take a couple months to complete. The work may require several short term water service interruptions to all buildings within the neighborhoods, but long term water service interruptions will be avoided through the installation of temporary water bypass.

In order to take the existing water distribution system out of service to allow water pipe lining and valve installation, the contractor will install temporary water mains above the ground along the proposed route of construction. The temporary water mains will be installed, flushed, disinfected, and tested; then connected to each building or side street pipe abutting the limits of water bypass. The Contractor will coordinate with residents to complete the bypass connection. Following completion of the water main work in the street, the buildings will be reconnected to the buried water main in the street and the temporary water mains will be removed.

Construction activities may require the closing of side streets to through traffic. On the days when construction is ongoing it is important not to have any cars parked in the roadway from 7am - 5pm Monday through Friday.  “No Parking” signs will be posted in advance of construction and parking restrictions will remain in effect until construction is complete for that day. Residents will have access to their driveway and may park on the street after work hours; however, as the project progresses, certain activities may require limited access or parking.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience during this important project. Your cooperation will make this project a success. If you are a resident within the project area, in the event that you are without water, please call N. Granese 24/7 Response Line for assistance 781-570-1143. If you have any questions, or require additional information, please call Public Works at 781-596-8860.